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Messages - 1dot44mb

Pages: 1 2
Lol, how can one 'find' his or her own game?

Maybe they developed it and than forgot about the game, and some time later they found the game and said 'Oh, this is awesome game! I wonder who developed this game! Wow!' and they decided to share it with us.

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: Super Rocketeer Devlog
« on: June 01, 2012, 01:51:45 am »
Great improvements as always, that's a very promising game although i still do not get what is the purpose of the game? Killing enemies and passing levels? Just asking here.

And your dev logs motivate me so much into making games on my projects list. Very good job as always.

Game Ideas / Re: Ecotone
« on: May 31, 2012, 08:15:19 am »
Maybe they just move their eyes following the player? It would be nice. Or they just move their eyes a little occasionally. Not always.

Ask a Question / Re: Copyright a game?
« on: May 30, 2012, 12:15:48 pm »
I'm sorry, i read my post again and it seems like i'm talking about someone stealing and copying the source code. But that is not what i meant. I meant some talented developer copies 'the idea' and builds game for iOS (from scratch). Not steal the source code. I told wrong sorry.

I develop mobile software, i know the swf has nothing to do with objective c.

Ask a Question / Re: Copyright a game?
« on: May 30, 2012, 09:19:56 am »
I think he/she has concerns about the game idea being stolen after putting a test version on the site. Maybe some talented game dev likes the idea, and copies it to the iOS and wins a lot of money on the AppStore while you are still doing the tests :) I suppose that is unlikely to happen but who knows? Maybe it happens. Anyone have thoughts about that?

Game Ideas / Re: Ecotone
« on: May 30, 2012, 01:09:50 am »
That's a good passion for game development, i love your sketches and little ecotone statue :)

BTW make it a series, each world being another game. This way you will not lose motivation. First game will gain some crowd and other 2 games will be easier to be announced. Also you may sell two other worlds, but only first world free to play.

Wish you success.

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: Super Rocketeer Devlog
« on: May 28, 2012, 08:08:05 am »
That little rocketeer seems so cute, i can't wait to play this game. You are doing a great job, please keep posting more dev stuff.

Thanks for you attention, have you checked out the game?

At first place, the game needs a car graphic (later we will need truck, motorcycle, TIR, etc) and road and grass tiles.

Please let me know if you think you can collaborate.

I am looking for a graphic artist who can create quality art for a beta game. We will submit the game to Newgrounds "Stencyl Game Jam". You can play the beta version of "Traffic Lights" without the graphics here:

If we can make a good work, i am planning to work together on other game projects too.

iPod touch has the least memory among iOS devices so it is normal for your game to behave like that in iPod touch.

Choose one: "Throw away some memory consuming routines in your game" or "Leave the game as it is, at the cost of getting negative feedback from iPod touch users" (sometimes this is the only way to go, but not always)

And also i do not know a way of adding "Do only on selected device" maybe Stencyl guys will help you about that.

Paid Work / Re: Artist looking to TRADE Pixels for Code
« on: May 27, 2012, 09:31:28 am »
Dear Yeti Ball,

I am a game designer, looking for an artist with vision and creativity. If you are interested in creating art for on going game projects. Please let me know.


Paid Work / Re: Programmer paid help request
« on: May 27, 2012, 06:01:37 am »
Can i see some example of your graphics?

Ask a Question / Re: actors not appearing on scene
« on: May 27, 2012, 04:33:04 am »
Are they inside the screen or outside the screen? If they are outside set "Always Simulate" for them. (which will reduce performance for big scenes)

Forgive me if i didn't follow. But did you know that Stencyl has already a "Site Lock" attribute when publishing your game?

Ask a Question / Re: delay automatic gun fire
« on: May 26, 2012, 06:01:05 am »
There are numerous ways to achieve that.

The simplest is to have "Max Bullets" attribute for your behavior (you are doing it in behavior right?). And also you have a hidden variable inside your behavior which is "Current Bullets". And set the "Current Bullets" to 0 when creating the behavior. And set the "Max Bullets" when you attach the behavior in your actor. And when you want to shoot check that ( if (Current Bullets < Max Bullets) ) Current bullets are not more than max bullets, and if so, create a new bullet. Do not forget to decrement "Current Bullets" if a bullet goes off screen or hits someone. And do not forget to increment "Current Bullets" if you create a new bullet successfully. This way if you exceed the max bullets limit, your actor will not be able to shoot.

Also keep in mind that bullets and other kinds of actor (which are created and killed rapidly) must be recycled. This means do not create them using "create" block instead create them using "create recycled" blocks, also when killing them do not use "kill" blocks, instead use "recycle actor" blocks. This way you will gain much performance.

Let me know if this solution is not suitable for you, so i may tell other solutions to this problem.

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