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Messages - MarcoI88

Pages: 1
Ask a Question / Re: Time since last frame
« on: June 18, 2015, 12:48:38 am »
Thank you.
I need time since last frame because I am developing a vertical scroll game and I generate particles for points, obstacles ecc... and I want to be sure the particles speed is not influenced by the frame rate

Ask a Question / Time since last frame
« on: June 14, 2015, 06:40:59 am »
Hi all,
I have to check "always" the time since last frame. How can I do it?
I found this post,
but I have no Idea of how to use
I cannot use because I get the error
"TimeUtils: Unknown identifier : FlxG"
If I import org.flixel I get the error
"TimeUtils: Module name must start with an uppercase letter ".
So my question is: How can I get delta time since last frame? I  use blocks not code but this should not be a problem because there is "code" block .

Ask a Question / Re: Mochi adv at the beginning of the game
« on: January 08, 2012, 06:27:46 am »
I have found a partial solution: if I check live updates when updating the game to the mochimedia site they put a preloader to my game and I have to add only the code.

Ask a Question / Mochi adv at the beginning of the game
« on: January 08, 2012, 05:57:27 am »
Hello, how can I make the mochi advertisements to appear at the beginning of the game? Or at least how can I make the mochi advertisements appears in the game?
I have used the "show ad ..." block in the "Mochi" section in a behavior but anithing happens.

Archives / Text on top
« on: December 24, 2011, 07:03:18 am »
when I write text with a actor behavoir in the drawing block of code the text is hidden by the sprite of the actor. I suggest to put automatically the text in front of all, or at least to choose the layer in which to draw the text.

I think like Epic, because if, for example, I add a behavior to an actor type a think that behavior will be applied to all the istances already in a scene.
But if there is the reset all values button Someone cane use this, but in case of a large number of actor it can take long time.

Archives / Re: Text + Text
« on: July 08, 2011, 03:45:24 am »
I hope this can be helpful for you.

Maybe it is faster to add a flow>>advanced>> code block, and inside you can write:

print("Hello, var 1 : "+ var1 + " var 2: " + var2.toString() + " Bye");

You can use a number of attributes > 2 without adding too many blocks, and the sintax is user friendly becaus it is the same of many programming language ( and obviusly actionScript).

You have one actor type, let's call it "ACTORA", and you add one instance of ACTORA to a scene.
If you edit actor's type ACTORA, by adding a behavior, the instance you have already added to the scene hasn't the new behavior, and you must add it manually, or delete the instance and reput it on the scene.

My suggestion is: make the instances of an actor sensitive to the addiction of a behavior, so that we cannot do the underlined step.

Update: I tried to create a new scene to see if there is a problem in my previous scene.
The new scene is of 2000 x 1000 tiles of 32x32, and there is the same problem (correct physic and incorrect drawings for tiles).

Old Bugs (1.x/2.x) / Tiles in wrong position when resizing a scene
« on: July 06, 2011, 06:00:05 am »
Hi all,
I have found a bug in the problam. During the  game development, I have resized the scene orizzontally from about 530 Tiles to 700 tiles. I have added the ground in the remaining empty tiles(see the image).

When I started the game, I saw that the tiles of the terrain were in a wrong position, but the physics of the tiles is in the right position!

If I resize the scene the problem disappear.

Yes, in a comment and a print.
Ok thanks I remove all special characters.

I am developing a game with a player who have an actor behavior.
At a certain moment, when I save and run the application, in the executable I see that the behavior is not used, so I open the behavior in the program and the beavior is normal.

When I save, close and open the project again the behavior is empty! I must redo the behavior or copy it from backup.

I have attached the log of when I start the program and I found the behavior empty.

I have also a question: in wich folder are saved the behaviors?
Thanks for the help.

Pages: 1