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Messages - Devillocks

Pages: 1
Ask a Question / Re: NPC - Alternate Dialog upon Quest Completion
« on: June 15, 2012, 05:19:57 pm »
New to Stencyl myself, but from what I've been reading in the forums it seems you would set a global attributes to flag when the quest is complete, and then your dialog would trigger if that flag value is true. I would think it would be backwards from RPG Maker, in the sense that you would check the flag for "completed" dialog first, if that's false then the "otherwise" value would be the standard dialog.

Guides & How-To's / Re: Creating Explosions in Stencyl
« on: June 13, 2012, 01:30:04 pm »
Love the tutorial, and it opens up a lot of new possibilities for other effects as well. I wonder if anyone has come up with a lightning or sprinkles/magic effects generator like this? That could prove very useful for some of us who are more artistically challenged :D LOL

Game Ideas / Re: Games that inspire you.
« on: June 13, 2012, 12:37:19 pm »
Old school Rogue and Hack. All Metroid games, especially Fusion and Zero Mission, Castlevanias for platforming action. The original Diablo. Dungeon Hack and the old Eye of the Beholder games under DOS. As far as indie/flash games go, I love Burrito Bison Revenge and Homerun in Berzerk Land, because they make would could be a tiresome repetitive concept fun and engaging. And all of the Monster's Den series, because they are epic new versions of my old school D&D days. Half-Life is awesome, and for some reason I'm addicted to Bejeweled LOL.

Ask a Question / Re: Temporarily disabling collisions?
« on: June 12, 2012, 11:01:39 pm »
Hmmm. If you haven't played that balloon demo, there are tons of bullets flying in rapid succession, and I want the intermediate cloud graphic to remain on the screen for a set length of time before it too can be shot and change to the last one. So the original cloud actor (Happy) does die instantly when hit, then replaces itself with a second actor (Unhappy) at the same coordinates. The issue is that the new actor spawns, and is instantly colliding with the bullet that hasn't traveled very far and thus triggers its own death and spawns the third actor (Angry). Essentially I want to be able to have #2 survive on-screen for some preset time (say 5-8 seconds or so) before it can be killed and replaced, regardless of how many bullets collide with it in the meantime.

My original idea was to create 2 actor types of each cloud, one that is spawned when the previous one is shot and then uses the "fade and die" behavior to replace itself with a collision-able version with health after a set time. But this seems a bit wasteful in that if I wanted a succession of cycling images I would have to make double the workload...

Thanks for the reply, and I'll keep digging and tinkering!

Chit-Chat / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: June 12, 2012, 10:13:35 pm »
Howdy all, Devillocks here or just plain Devil if you prefer :). Tinkered with scripts and programming on and off for the better part of 20 years now, but never dove in headfirst until recently. I'm great at putting a lot of things together, both on a computer and on my modelling workbench, but I don't have the talent at drawing and pencilling that I would like. I'm a fan of wrestling (the WWE kind), MMA, lots of animated shows, RPGs (both old school and console) and lots of music. Glad to see a thriving community here, and I hope to one day be able to share as much info as I take ;) Cheers!

Ask a Question / Temporarily disabling collisions?
« on: June 12, 2012, 10:05:17 pm »
Hi all, new here and Stencyl is amazing. Obligatory introduction and butt kissing over :)

I'm dipping my toes in to try this out, and have modified the example balloon popping game to start. I modified the Happy Cloud graphic to make an Unhappy and then Angry version that it switches to if the player shoots it, then Angry Cloud dies and respawns Happy again. So far, this cycling works, except that the Bullet actor passes through Happy, changes it to Unhappy and then immediately to Angry because it's still detecting collisions. Is there a way to keep it from registering the collision for a short time after the initial hit, by either disable/enabling it or specifying a time somewhere?

Thanks in advance, and hopefully I'll be able to answer questions one day soon :)

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