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Messages - acceleron3000

Pages: 1
Don't know much about this, but I found this suspicious looking line:
Code: [Select]
[LOG] Write String out as file to: C:\Users\YOURUSER/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks\games-generated\CHIGUN DEMOS\Source\scripts\/MyScripts.hxIs it normal for Stencyl to use forward and backslashes interchangably? Let alone that weird double slash "\/" combo. Windows machines typically rely on backslashes to mark directory changes. This is immediately followed by a bunch of lines that look like they're "Skipping..." your assets.

Hope this helps.

I just did a quick test and while it looks like the order is determined by their IDs most of the time, this isn't always case. This means that duplicating your behavior and replacing it with the old one just so that it can be initialized last probably won't work most of the time. :(

So let's say I have two behaviors: A and B. I want B to be created before A, but at the moment, A is being created before B.

For now, I'm just going to put an event in A that is triggered by B after it's done initializing, and this event will tell A to finish initializing the parts that are supposed to happen after B is done.

However, I'd still like to learn more about what exactly determines the order of behavior initialization. I'm starting to think that it's probably determined by the order in which these behaviors were written. So if every behavior is given an ID number when created, then they're probably ordered by their ID number. Just a theory, though. It'd be nice if Stencyl 3.0 would let you reorder behaviors.

I'm trying to find a way to control the order in which my scene behaviors get created. First of all, I can't seem to figure out how Stencyl determines the order in the first place. I've tried the following:
  • It's not determined alphabetically, because changing the name of behaviors doesn't work.
  • It's not determined by the order in which you put your behaviors into your scene, because taking them all out and putting them back in with the correct order doesn't work.
  • I tried creating a dependency between two behaviors by creating a custom code block in one, and having a preceding behavior call that block, but this just leads to a null pointer exception at runtime.
  • I saw one topic that suggested I use the Enable Behavior block, but this didn't work either and the null pointer exception remained.
Any other ideas? Is this even possible?

I suppose my last resort may be to start merging behaviors together to ensure that certain code runs before other pieces of code, but that's a pretty messy solution.

Old Bugs (1.x/2.x) / Using certain Keyboard Controls causes Runtime Errors
« on: September 23, 2012, 12:25:45 am »
This is a simple bug. When editing your keyboard controls in the game settings, setting certain keys, such as "[" or "]" will cause runtime errors when exporting to Flash. For example, here's an error log of when I set one of my controls to the open bracket key:

Code: [Select]
flixel v2.32 [debug]
Path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/0.png
Path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/2-0.png
Path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/4-0.png
Path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/4-1.png
Path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/4-2.png
Path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/6-0.png
Path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/8-0.png
Path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/10-0.png
Path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/12-0.png
Path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/14-0.png
Waiting for resources: 2966
Init path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/10-0.png
Complete path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/10-0.png
Init path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/4-1.png
Complete path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/4-1.png
Init path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/14-0.png
Complete path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/14-0.png
Init path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/8-0.png
Complete path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/8-0.png
Init path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/0.png
Complete path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/0.png
Init path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/6-0.png
Complete path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/6-0.png
Init path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/2-0.png
Complete path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/2-0.png
Init path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/4-2.png
Complete path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/4-2.png
Init path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/12-0.png
Complete path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/12-0.png
Init path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/4-0.png
Complete path: C:/Users/Smith/AppData/Roaming/Stencyl/stencylworks/preview/game/resources/4-0.png
Loading Scene 0
Start Fade In
Loading Scene: -1
Test Level
Num vertices: 4
Num vertices: 4
Num vertices: 4
Num vertices: 4
Num vertices: 4
Num vertices: 4

ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property  not found on and there is no default value.
at stencyl.api.engine::Script/isKeyDown()[/home/stencyl/]
at Function/<anonymous>()[C:\Users\Smith\AppData\Roaming\Stencyl\stencylworks\preview\scripts\]
at stencyl.api.engine::GameState/innerUpdate()[/home/stencyl/]
at stencyl.api.engine::GameState/postUpdate()[/home/stencyl/]
at stencyl.api.engine::GameState/update()[/home/stencyl/]
at org.flixel::FlxGame/update()[/home/stencyl/]
ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property  not found on and there is no default value.
at stencyl.api.engine::Script/isKeyDown()[/home/stencyl/]
at Function/<anonymous>()[C:\Users\Smith\AppData\Roaming\Stencyl\stencylworks\preview\scripts\]
at stencyl.api.engine::GameState/innerUpdate()[/home/stencyl/]
at stencyl.api.engine::GameState/postUpdate()[/home/stencyl/]
at stencyl.api.engine::GameState/update()[/home/stencyl/]
at org.flixel::FlxGame/update()[/home/stencyl/]
ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property  not found on and there is no default value.
at stencyl.api.engine::Script/isKeyDown()[/home/stencyl/]
at Function/<anonymous>()[C:\Users\Smith\AppData\Roaming\Stencyl\stencylworks\preview\scripts\]
at stencyl.api.engine::GameState/innerUpdate()[/home/stencyl/]
at stencyl.api.engine::GameState/postUpdate()[/home/stencyl/]
at stencyl.api.engine::GameState/update()[/home/stencyl/]
at org.flixel::FlxGame/update()[/home/stencyl/]
ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property  not found on and there is no default value.
at stencyl.api.engine::Script/isKeyDown()[/home/stencyl/]
at Function/<anonymous>()[C:\Users\Smith\AppData\Roaming\Stencyl\stencylworks\preview\scripts\]
at stencyl.api.engine::GameState/innerUpdate()[/home/stencyl/]
at stencyl.api.engine::GameState/postUpdate()[/home/stencyl/]
at stencyl.api.engine::GameState/update()

I was wondering whether this belonged in the Bugs forum, but I put it here since it seems to be more of a design issue than a glitch.

When you create a new game project, you're asked to select a template, each of which imports its own useful behaviors into the project. These are technically pre-shipped behaviors, but for some reason their not treated as such. For example, if I wanted to create a Blank Game, and then later I decide that I want some of the Platformer behaviors, I cannot find these behaviors in my library. Apparently I have to download them from StencylForge if I want to put them in my project, and my question is: why? Don't I already have these behaviors on my computer, so why am I not allowed to access them?

I had the same problem, and I found that it was actually being caused by a glitch, so I submitted a bug report about it here:,

In the meantime, if anyone has this problem, you can fix it yourself by editing the behavior and switching the comparison (either replace the "<" comparison with a ">" comparison, or just switch the order of the things being compared).

I had the same problem as this thread:,10722.0.html So I looked at the code behind the "Die In Pit And Reload" behavior, and I found a horrible bug!

The attached image shows the Updated event for the behavior, and the "<" comparison at the top should actually be a ">" sign. The result of this typo means that they player is killed whenever they are NOT in a pit.

I tried downloading the latest version of Stencyl (through to see if it would update my pre-shipped behaviors in case this glitch has already been fixed, but apparently it hasn't.

Ask a Question / Re: Ladder Tutorial
« on: June 29, 2012, 10:02:33 pm »
Okay, here's my How-To guide on how to easily get ladders into your games:
  • Download the "Ladder and Water Pack" pack. To do this, open up Stencyl, and click on the big "StencylForge" button on the top bar. Then do a search (top-right of screen) for "Ladder and Water Pack".
  • Go to the Actor Type for your playable character, and then go to the Behaviors tab. On the bottom left of the screen, click on the "+ Add Behavior" button, and select the "Climbing" behavior. Now just configure the behavior.
  • Now we need to add ladders. First, if you have some ladder sprites, add it to your levels and make sure that it's not collideable. For instance, my ladder sprites were imported as part of a Tileset, so I had to edit the Collision Bounds for those tiles to be "No Collisions". Next, add your fake ladders to a Scene so that we can test them out.
  • In the Scene Editor, select the Add Region tool from the toolbar on the left (it looks like a dark blue square with a green plus sign on its bottom-right corner, and if you mouse over it long enough, a tooltip pops up that says "Add Region (Box)".). Draw a rectangle over your fake ladders, but don't worry about being super accurate. Once you've drawn the rectangle, click on the region you just created, and on the right side of the screen, you'll see that you can now fine-tune the dimensions of the box if you want to be more accurate. But here's the important part: make sure the name of your region is "Ladder".
And that's it! The player will start "climbing" the ladder once they go "Up" while colliding with it, and make sure your ladder movement speed is something other than zero or else it might appear to not work.

Remember that your ladder sprites and the ladder collision regions are not linked to each other. You can easily view your regions at any time in the Scene Editor by choosing the Working Mode that looks like the outline of a square and whose tooltip reads "Work only with Regions". So if you want to add, move, or delete a ladder, remember that you have to change both the visuals and the collision region separately.

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