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Messages - williamlweaver

Pages: 1
Chit-Chat / Re: StencylWorks in ChromeOS
« on: June 02, 2011, 06:26:18 am »
Thanks for the quick replies... I've been using the Cr-48 in pure vanilla mode and have not switched to the unlocked developer mode.

I will have a go at downloading the distribution file and see how things play.  I will be sure to report back.

Thanks again!


I copied my Ubuntu distribution files on to an SD and attempted to open StencylWorks on the Cr-48 under ChromeOS. The OS does not recognize the file type and when opening in the browser, it stalls with a blank page.

I read about ChromeOS not supporting Java apps back in December 2010...  Looks like we are not there yet.

The ChromeOS plays Java apps in the browser, but my guess is that stand-alone Java apps need to be wrapped up into a WebApp container and installed into the Chrome Browser via the Google Chrome Web Store...

Chit-Chat / StencylWorks in ChromeOS
« on: June 02, 2011, 04:28:55 am »
Thanks again for such an innovative product!

Any chance/plans that StencylWorks will work on a Google ChromeOS Chromebook?

I'm addicted to my Cr-48 and while I'm currently exploring StencylWorks on my EeePC running Ubuntu 11.04, the Cr-48 is my default machine.

With the arrival of the Acer and Samsung Chromebooks this summer I expect they will start to show up at college this fall.


News / Re: Are you an educator?
« on: June 01, 2011, 07:01:22 pm »
Just learned about Stencyl yesterday. I'm a University Professor that uses Agile programming and collaboration tools to teach innovation and product development.

Stencyl's integrated social features are revolutionary and I'm excited to learn more about it. I will also be sure to have a discussion with our Digital Arts department and their plans to use Stencyl.

We recently had lunch with Tom Fulp of Newgrounds and I know flash development continues to be a hot topic and keen interest of our students.

Thanks for all of your hard work in the realization of such an awesome idea!

Chit-Chat / Re: How did you find out about us?
« on: June 01, 2011, 06:52:28 pm »
An article about Stencyl appeared in my May 31, 2011 Sci/Tech Google Fastflip feed. Unfortunately, I don't recall the source. But very glad to learn about it! =]

Found it:

Pages: 1