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Messages - waelouaijan

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Ask a Question / Re: iPad Retina Runs Slow
« on: January 09, 2014, 06:31:39 am »
the original version graphics are done on the 960x640 even though the files are developed on the 1136x640 res.

Ask a Question / Re: iPad Retina Runs Slow
« on: January 09, 2014, 06:15:53 am »
Is it because no one knows why? A mystery?? ??? ???

Ask a Question / Re: iPad Retina Runs Slow
« on: January 09, 2014, 02:03:20 am »

Ask a Question / iPad Retina Runs Slow
« on: January 08, 2014, 06:47:08 am »
Hi There,

So I just released the iPhone/ipod version of my new game 'Robert the Robot' on iOS, and its pretty nice, but I am publishing a separate version for the iPad. Now, with the iPad it seems to be running super smooth (even better than iPhone), but when it comes to the iPad Retina the frame rate drops from 60/60 to 5/60.

The game does use stretch to fit, but I am uncertain as to why the iPad retina display would be so slow in processing the game, while the iPhone/iPod & iPad 1/2/Mini can run the game wonderfully.

Any input would be much appreciated.



Ask a Question / Re: Best method for Puzzle style game development
« on: December 16, 2013, 02:49:31 pm »
Great!! will have a look asap!! thanks a bunch!

Ask a Question / Best method for Puzzle style game development
« on: December 16, 2013, 03:32:50 am »
Hi there,

I am interested in creating a puzzle style game for my next game (similar to Candy Crush). Anyone have any suggestions on the best approach to developing this? Should I create a sort of grid? and randomly call items to it? Should it have physics for when three items are destroyed, the ones up top fall to the corresponding positions? etc. Any input would be welcome really.



Fixed Bugs (3.x) / In-App Purchases Fail Instantly
« on: December 09, 2013, 06:43:38 am »
Hi There,

I initially developed my game using Stencyl's final NME build, and then decided to redevelop it using the latest OpenFL Build.

As the game has in-app purchases, the purchases worked like a charm when testing on the NME build, but once I coded the same in-app purchases for the OpenFL build (using the same mobile provisions and p12, which worked previously)... it seems that when I click any item which relates to an in-app purchase... the purchase instantly fails, without even requesting user details.

Anyone have any idea why that is?



Ask a Question / problems with the simulator
« on: November 28, 2013, 06:12:38 am »
Hi there,

I have been going crazy trying to resolve this issue. The game I have spent quite a bit of time working on seems to show perfectly when I test it on the 'iPhone Simulator' or 'iPad Simulator', but when I test it using the 'iPhone Simulator (3.5 inch)' everything goes haywire. The actors on screen are set in fixed positions, and they are the only items on the atlas, so it shouldn't be a memory problem. Does anyone have any idea why this happens? I have attached two images below to show the difference of what it should look like (or what it looks like using the 'iPhone Simulator') and what it looks like using the 'iPhone 3.5 inch simulator'. On the device it actually shows up as the iPhone 3.5" Simulator version. Please help if you have any idea, bcz this project is meant to collect money for funding children cancer treatment!!! :'(

What it should look like... (using the normal iPhone Simulator)

What it looks like using the iPhone 3.5" simulator

Old Questions (from 1.x/2.x) / Re: Background Setting Reversed?
« on: September 22, 2013, 01:19:04 am »

Old Questions (from 1.x/2.x) / Background Setting Reversed?
« on: September 20, 2013, 06:47:28 am »
Hi There,

In my most recent project, I have created a background design which is 1919x640 (offscreen bounds of the scene are set to right being 600). When I place it in the level and [repeat background] is enabled with [horizontal scrolling] set to 2, the background acts abnormally. The background scrolls as it should, but it seems that only the segment that is already onscreen repeats (completely ignoring the offscreen part).  After a bit of experimentation I unselected the [repeat background] option, and it seemed to scroll fine, and it actually DOES repeat the background as it should have done with the repeat background option activated. Even though it is now doing what I need it to do, the fact that its doing it abnormally concerns me. I would really appreciate any advise or input on why it would be doing such a thing and how to possibly resolve it.

Thanks a bunch,


Ask a Question / Re: Collision Detection Not Detecting
« on: August 11, 2013, 06:47:43 am »
Hi there,

I just double checked and neither actors had sensor behavior activated, though, I just realized it may be better to set the ground tile actor as a sensor behavior. Since it seems everytime both objects collide, the ground layer stops being pushed. Yet I am still facing the problem that when the player collides with the ground layer actor, the player passes right through it.

Ask a Question / Collision Detection Not Detecting
« on: August 10, 2013, 03:02:37 am »
Hi There,

In my new game it seems I am facing an issues with collision detection and I would really appreciate any advice I could get:)

1 - Collision Detection: As mentioned by others in the forum I have placed my "Tile" as an actor so it can self replicate. I have defined the collision points on the "tile" actor, and have set both the player and the actor in Collision groups which are meant to collide... I have also placed for both the player and the tile actor a {When Created -> Enable continuous Collision} block and I have selected it in both actors' properties. Though, for some reason, it seems that the actors do not want to collide. For some reason when the player comes in contact with the tile actor he goes straight through it as though nothing is there. Whereas, on the tile actor's front, I have set a block {always -> push object xdir [-1] ydir
  • } which seems to stop when the player passes through.

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Gourmet's Adventure
« on: August 09, 2013, 05:56:32 am »
Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to announce that my first title "Gourmet's Adventure" is finally out on the AppStore (iPhone/iPad). For those of you who helped me with the countless advices in development, I would really like to thank you, and if you go to the credits section of the game, you can find yourselfs mentioned:)

If you would like to have a look at the game it's on the Appstore for free:

It definitely isn't my best work, yet it is my first trial run, and number 2 & 3 I guarantee will be much better (already underway), as I think I am getting a hang of Stencyl.

To the Stencyl Dev Team, I would like to thank you for your continuous progress on Stencyl, it is an unbelievable software, and for someone who didn't even know a line of code prior to Stencyl, you cannot imagine the appreciation that I hold for you, because you allow us non-developers to do what we otherwise would find impossible. Thank you and keep going, because you are working wonders.



Ask a Question / How to set iPhone only release.
« on: July 29, 2013, 11:42:19 pm »
Hi there,

I am trying to have my game ONLY get released for iphone/ipod, but when uploading to apple it ends up submitting for iPad as well. Is it enough to set the Stencyl setting to: -> Mobile -> Display -> App Type -> Phone only. Or would I need to change anything regarding the certificates/profiles?

The last upload I did was rejected due to resolution issues, which I believe is due to the fact that I have actors slide on/off screen when the player swipes. They had sent me screenshots showing the game with the offscreen actors on screen. I developed the game only for iphone/ipod, and I think it should work on both. But not for iPad.

P.S. I have set the game to Full screen upsizing. I would really appreciate any help I could get.



Old Questions (from 1.x/2.x) / Setting Phone-only option
« on: July 29, 2013, 02:20:28 pm »
Hi there,

I am trying to have my game ONLY get released for iphone/ipod, but when uploading to apple it ends up submitting for iPad as well. Is it enough to set the Stencyl setting to: -> Mobile -> Display -> App Type -> Phone only. Or would I need to change anything regarding the certificates/profiles?

The last upload I did was rejected due to resolution issues, which I believe is due to the fact that I have actors slide on/off screen when the player swipes. They had sent me screenshots showing the game with the offscreen actors on screen. I developed the game only for iphone/ipod, and I think it should work on both. But not for iPad.

P.S. I have set the game to Full screen upsizing. I would really appreciate any help I could get.



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