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Messages - 0716562

Pages: 1
AdMob / Re: [iOS & Android] AdMob Extension [3.0]
« on: January 23, 2016, 11:44:17 pm »

For some reason, the AdMob Banner boolean does not work. Am I using it wrong?


Ask a Question / Atlas Questions
« on: January 21, 2016, 07:44:11 am »
The last time I made a game with Stencyl was about two years ago and back then atlases had to be loaded and unloaded. Do we still have to do that now? I still see the load and unload blocks and was just a bit confused. If someone could just explain how to use the new atlas system to me it would be great!  :)

Ask a Question / Actors not colliding but bouncing off each other!
« on: December 30, 2015, 10:56:21 pm »

I have an actor that is set to a y-speed of 20 and it is on a path that hits another actor which does not move. When the moving actor hits the non moving actor the moving actor bounces off and leaves the screen! How can i stop this from happening?


Sorry but that link seems to be broken!


I have two events in my scene, one creates the actor and the other one detects if that actor hits another actor on the screen. But for some reason, the collision event is not detecting the hit! Can anyone help me out? *Please not that the createFirstActor does work and the last comment printed to the log is ENDOFCREATEFIRSTACTOR

Thank You!

Ask a Question / Custom Event Not Working
« on: December 24, 2015, 04:31:20 am »

I have created a custom event called testTrigger and I am calling it from the vert start of the scene. In the custom event I have set it up so it prints to the logs CUSTOM TRIGGER WORKS but when it comes to the if statements there is no record of the print. Please help me out and thank you!

Ask a Question / Creating a region at the bottom of the screen?
« on: December 22, 2015, 04:04:54 pm »

I'm looking to create a region at the bottom of the screen that has the width of the device screen and is 100 pixels tall. I also need to have this region placed at the bottom of the screen across all devices. Is anyone able to help with my problem?

Thank You!

Ask a Question / iPhone 6+ White Screen
« on: December 20, 2015, 08:28:02 pm »

When I run my game in the iPhone simulator at the iPhone 6+ size, the device only shows a white screen! I was wondering if this is a problem? Please see the attached picture to see what is going on!

Pages: 1