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Messages - Blobzone

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Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Reach the toilet 2
« on: August 12, 2016, 06:58:44 am »

Made in 3days. This was rather an attempt to realize some crappy ideas in my head. Maybe some of you will have fun playing it :3

Ask a Question / Placement of Terrain keeps shifting.
« on: August 04, 2016, 01:11:03 pm »
I am working on a new jumpn run game and have a problem i never had before. I searched in the forum but found nothing.

When i place a terrain inside the scene on a fixed location and then test the game, the terrain is always a bit shifted and i dont get why???

I opened some of my other games and the terrain there behaves normal.

there are really no special behaviours inside my game: the actor has  jumpn run movement/cant exit scene/camera follow/ (although i doubt that it has something to do with it) 

I added a picture to explain it.

I mean, its not that much of a problem since i can "calculate the shifting and adjust it (although thats lame), but it is just so incredibly annoying. i have no idea why that is happening.

Chit-Chat / Re: Is Y8 the last big sponsor?
« on: March 08, 2016, 04:07:08 am »
True, but i cant get over the feeling that Kongregate will only Sponsor you if you are willing to make a game
with a lot of micro-transaction stuff, like  buy 100 coins for 1$.

Although i dont get whats so special about Launchpad. Basicaly just saying ------------> "Hey we want a good game, that could be monetized on other platforms and made bigger later on"

Chit-Chat / Is Y8 the last big sponsor?
« on: March 07, 2016, 12:50:36 pm »
Is it just me or has someone else the feeling too that
seems to be one of the last big sponsoring sites for flash games?

I mean i really see a lot of games getting sponsored by them these days.

They even wanted to sponsor a game of mine but i had some nasty problems with implementing their api
otherwise the guy there seemed very nice and helpful.

It seems like Kongregate and Armorgames have their own gamedevs these days and somehow is also
sponsoring a lot of "lower quality" games but also a lot of big titles.

Chit-Chat / Re: WTF is wrong with the Kongregate Community?
« on: March 03, 2016, 04:32:42 am »
Why should i disregard it when you are totally right? I mean this would have been the way to go.

---------> Build the gameplay up slowly and give the player some happy moments *i sound like a hooker*

I just focused on the wrong things, i guess. Or i should have made things different, but i uploaded it with wrong assumptions over the gaming community and the game itself.  For the next time i will probably avoid making something too complex though.

Thanks for the feedback!

Edit: I think the main problem is, that i am thinking everyone would play/test games like me. If there are no instructions or anything like that i seldom care and try things out until i get it. Mostly investing 3-5 minutes in a game, no matter how crappy it at first appears to be, before giving up fast.

Chit-Chat / Re: WTF is wrong with the Kongregate Community?
« on: March 02, 2016, 04:34:34 pm »
Yes, you are absolutely right. Im just used to the "old times". I mean when i played games i couldnt even read and always figured out how to play them.

Well, i lied i changed one thing, although i doubt that it will help, i made the enemy waves a lot easier now, meh whatever.
Making a new game now  8)

Chit-Chat / Re: WTF is wrong with the Kongregate Community?
« on: March 02, 2016, 03:36:28 pm »
Hey, first thank you to everyone who took his time to play my game and write something here.
I really get all your points, and you guys are right. A lot of things could have made been better and less frustrating to understand.

I guess im just way to oldschool for that, stupidly thinking that a game could be interesting enough without taking the player by his hand like a little child *getting sarcastic here*.

But i guess that is how things are. I cant change that and now i learned something new.

I wont change the game though because i think it wont change anything. People got their first impression now and changing things afterwards wont do shit.

Still thanks to everybody.


Chit-Chat / WTF is wrong with the Kongregate Community?
« on: March 02, 2016, 11:24:27 am »

I am angry, very angry. I made a new game and as always it got a shit-rating.

I know my games arent the best, but i put a lot of effort into them, and still
they get the rating of games like Pong-Clones where the person maybe put 1 hour of work into it. There are even papercup games with better ratings.

Are you really telling me that this deserves the same rating as a lot of unfinished/really crappy games ?

I know objectively this game is not top-tier or anything like that, but hell it deserves way better than that…..

Its just so frustrating. Its a full game. Yes, its not the easiest or best, but it surely is no 1,8 Star game.

It is getting annoying, i could have just worked on a 1-hour game and the results would probably have been the same.

Its seems like people dont take more than 30 seconds looking into it and then rating it 1-star.

Thats my 2-cents. Im very disappointed by that community. Obviously i have to make some shitty idle game again to get a better rating and views.


EDIT: Also it seems like people dont bother looking into the Tutorials. Almost every game i put a tutorial into the games and still always the same stupid questions do appear….

I had a similar issue. Thats also why i didnt get it sponsored afterall. The extension wasnt working and bugging around. If you find a solution to that and wouldnt mind sharing it, i would be thankful.

Also is there maybe some kind of pool for API´s in general? Because if i cant integrate the API´s  most Sponsors wont make deals :/

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Escape Run 2
« on: September 10, 2015, 01:56:11 pm »

If you like short arcade jump´n runs this game is for you. But very hard.

Alternative link on Newgrounds where it got featured, (although i could use some ratings on Kongregate to get out of judgement)

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / The cake is a lie!
« on: August 26, 2015, 03:34:10 pm »

Here my newest game. It is a platformer this time (yeah, pretty uncommon for me)

But be warned it turns into an unfair-raging-platformer pretty fast.

Ludum Dare 33 / Re: Monster Destroy Things
« on: August 25, 2015, 05:56:36 am »
I really hate the new gamejolt interface.

The game is fun and also the music, although i am missing some kind of foe who tries to stop me.

Ask a Question / y8 api implementation
« on: August 13, 2015, 11:38:29 am »
Hello, so i wanted to implement the y8 api they provide on their website ( )

I downloaded and installed the extension. i put the initialisation api into the first scene, but when i do that the game doesnt seem to start. I also made an account on and made an application for the game (because api id and key are needed for that)

But nothing works. im definitely doing something wrong there. can anybody help me out? maybe someone already solved this issue (i mean someone wrote at least the extension)

Ask a Question / Re: Sponsor Api advice
« on: August 10, 2015, 09:28:00 am »
Has anybody solved the issue yet? Would be very thankful if so.

The same guy also wrote me a PM asking if i could implement the API and also asked me how much i would like to have for my game (thats a little bit "meh", since i really dont know how much would be reasonable.) 

Overall rating was 7.25 (fun was 8, the rest was 7)
Its a platformer with some unfair elements in it. 20 Levels.

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