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Messages - vaingglory

Pages: 1 2
Ask a Question / How do I keep my certificate on 2 o more plays.
« on: January 23, 2021, 10:37:43 am »

And I have another question, how can I keep the same certificate for several games, I have kept both the appID, the version and the same certificate, but it does not allow me to compile an apk, it only allows me to compile the apk of the game I have made the certificate.

Ask a Question / How do I keep my certificate on 2 Laptop.
« on: January 23, 2021, 09:46:40 am »
Currently I have 2 Laptops and I want to be able to export my game to both Laptops, but when I upload an apk game to google from one laptop or another it tells me that the certificate is different and I would like to know how I can keep the same certificate on the 2 laptops

Thank you

Ask a Question / Re: Improve mobile touch screen motion
« on: January 23, 2021, 04:32:10 am »

The movement of my actor is with the touch of the mobile screen directly

I have put in physics on my main screen

Gravity (horizontal) 0.0 left
Gravity (vertical) 28.0 down

My Main Actor (Player) has the following behaviors

Camera tracking -> Scrool Speed ​​0.0
Can't leave the scene

Events -> Attached image of the movement scripts that I have

Physics What kind of actor Type -> Normal
Can rotate -> no
Gravity affect -> yes

Ask a Question / Re: Improve mobile touch screen motion
« on: January 18, 2021, 07:33:18 am »
Yes, but for example the diagonal or transversal movement, generates that you have to move the touch screen many times

The right and left movement more or less is correct, but the jump and especially diagonal or transversal movements

Ask a Question / Improve mobile touch screen motion
« on: January 18, 2021, 04:50:02 am »
Hi how are you

We have made a first game for mobile in which we have put different parameters of gravity, speed and such, but we see that the movement of the main actor on the screen is quite bad and is not fluid

We do not use a joystick, but the user's own finger to move the actor, but it is difficult for us to be agile, someone can help me give an idea how to improve it.

Thank you

Ask a Question / game to google developer apk
« on: September 29, 2020, 11:27:44 am »
My son has made a first game with stencyl, we want to upload it to google developer as an apk, so that his friends can download it, I wonder how I can do it, is the stencyl pro version necessary or is it possible with the free version?


Ask a Question / Re: Button to shoot and shoot another actor
« on: July 31, 2020, 12:29:31 pm »
Thanks, thanks

Ask a Question / Re: Button to shoot and shoot another actor
« on: July 31, 2020, 11:58:47 am »

 in the end I was able to create the shot with an attribute by rolling true or false when I indicate the button that is pressed and then the event comes out, but I have another problem is that now the button that I put in my scenes does not follow the camera, it stays Fixed and of course I lose it, I have tried to create a different layer, to remove the movement, but it does not continue to stay at the beginning of my game, could you help me?  ;( ;( ;(

Ask a Question / Re: Button to shoot and shoot another actor
« on: July 31, 2020, 05:35:39 am »
I imagine that I will have to do a custom event, to shoot from a button and that the shot comes from my player, someone has something similar that can happen to me

Thank you

Ask a Question / Re: Button to shoot and shoot another actor
« on: July 31, 2020, 03:40:02 am »
Hello Mineat
The Player actor does not allow me references in the push, x and y coordinate blocks, it only allows me to reference the Actor group, but not the Player

Hello vicebingo

scene behavior? In case I activate the scene behavior for the button and for the player, both then fire, in case I activate behavior in the player, then it only fires when I give the player and not when I give the button, and in case I activate only the behavior firing for the button only shoots the button and the shot does not come from the player.

I imagine that somehow I have to say that when I press my button the x and y coordinates of the shot are from the player, but the options I have do not allow me to select the player, only the actor group.

That means that my player should belong to the Actor group ?, the problem that the Actor group has no attributes and I have placed all collisions, enemies, etc in the Player group, but this does not allow me to select.

Ask a Question / Re: Button to shoot and shoot another actor
« on: July 30, 2020, 11:55:49 pm »
but that is not what I want, but when I press on my button, the shot comes out of the main player

Ask a Question / Re: Button to shoot and shoot another actor
« on: July 30, 2020, 02:30:19 am »
can anyone help me ?? or the most recommendable thing would be to make a jockstick button

Ask a Question / Button to shoot and shoot another actor
« on: July 28, 2020, 08:39:17 am »
Hello, how are you, I have the following problem, currently I have a trigger behaviors assigned to my player, but every time I move it it also triggers.

I want to create an image that is a trigger button and that when I press it triggers, but I did not shoot the image, but the shot comes out of my player in motion.

If the behivor assigned it to my button only my button shoots me, if the behivor assigned it to the player it is in every movement firing and I can't find a way to hit the trigger button and that the shot comes out of the player, some could help me .

I show the event I use, it is simple, but functional, although I can't get the player to fire when I click on the button;)

Thank you

Ask a Question / Mobile controls don't work for me
« on: July 21, 2020, 11:51:41 pm »
Hi there, I have finished my first game in stencyl, something simple, but it has helped me understand the general operation.

My problem is that when I test the game on mobile the controls do not work for me, I cannot move my actor.

I have tested it in flash, in windows, it works perfectly, since I have assigned the keyboard for it, but I do not know how to assign controls to mobile or if it is done directly when compiling.

Thank you

Ask a Question / Re: I can't compile on android
« on: July 21, 2020, 11:43:56 pm »
Thanks, I found the problem I had, following the links, the problem was that there were links with "http" and they had to be "https", thanks;);)

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