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Messages - GameArtForge

Pages: 1 2
Ask a Question / Re: Stencyl Pro License Question
« on: July 07, 2013, 01:22:05 pm »
oh, ffs, after some research, even windows dev. requires a bl**dy developer license, more cost, an uprade to windows 8 ( I'm on windows 7 on my pc side of my mac ) is required, and god knows the price of visual studio... :/ ungh... so much of my time wasted...

Ask a Question / Re: Stencyl Pro License Question
« on: July 07, 2013, 12:31:26 pm »
Thanks, rob1221

And thanks for pointing out that article, that's useful.

Ask a Question / Re: Stencyl Pro License Question
« on: July 07, 2013, 12:16:44 pm »
Ok, thanks, I'll have to look into, I wasn't initially expecting to have to fork out $149 up front for Android functionlity, when I thought Pro gave me access to it, as that is the current money I'd saved to one side :(, which means I'm possibly looking at windows dev instead as an interim alternative, off hand, would you or anyone else know what that 'single size' is for windows / mac ?  The full screen  complaints don't sound good, wish I could access the Pro part of the forums and see what the issues are before laying down the cash ! :)

Ask a Question / Re: Stencyl Pro License Question
« on: July 07, 2013, 11:55:37 am »
Hi, sorry for bumping my own thread ! :/

I was wondering, if anyone is allowed to speak of it, how does Windows / Mac development actually work within the beta also ?, does it work in a similar way to iOS / Android development, where different sizes are automatically calculated for different screen sizes and you develop at the highest resolution, i.e 1920 x 1280, just like how the android development currently works ?

Was also wondering, sheesh, I ask a lot of questions ! :), anyway, I was wondering if I bought Pro now, is there an upgrade path ? i.e. pay the $79 dollars now for Pro, and upgrade to IOS / Android for $ x amount, which is cheaper of the difference ( from $149, i.e. $70 dollars to upgrade ), rather than $79 now and then $149 on top of that when I want full ios / android functionality ?

Ask a Question / Re: Stencyl Pro License Question
« on: July 05, 2013, 07:06:50 pm »
Ok, thanks rob1221 and Tuo for your help, it's appreciated.

Ask a Question / Re: Stencyl Pro License Question
« on: July 05, 2013, 06:54:04 pm »
Hi, Tuo

Thanks, it's a little unclear to me.

From the 'go pro : plans & pricing' section we have

Early Access to Stencyl 3.0
Access the Stencyl 3.0 beta software and preview the latest functionality, including the Android and HTML5 publishing modules.

Which sounds like I only have to have PRO to access the beta and therefore the android export, but in another post I'd read, it made it sound like I had to upgrade to iOS to access the android export options, would love clearer clarification on this, still ?

Because of the statement above from the plans & pricing section, I'm assuming people 'can' talk about whether these options are available to me, or which subscription is the minimum I need to access android export functionality ?

And thanks again for the info regarding the licensing question, that makes it easier for me, as I'm always on the go, so it's great that I can log in and use my license at home or away.


Ask a Question / Stencyl Pro License Question
« on: July 05, 2013, 03:39:27 pm »

I'm wanting access to the 3.x beta for android development, and was just wondering about the pro license.

Am I tied to 1 machine ? Or can I install the license on my iMac and my Macbook Pro laptop, so I can develop on the go as well ?

EDIT : Also, can I just clarify, I 'DO' get access to Android exporters through the beta if I register as PRO ?

Ask a Question / Re: Android Screen Sizes Clarification ?
« on: June 28, 2013, 02:21:20 pm »
Thanks, finally figured this out correctly.  :P

Ask a Question / Android Screen Sizes Clarification ?
« on: June 28, 2013, 01:41:48 pm »

I'm reading the blog 'One Size Fits All' post, where it talks about Android screen size differences, but I'm slightly confused as the article progresses, I'll post some of the information here, and then ask my question thereafter : -

Our Universal App support makes an assumption that 480 x 320 is the “base” resolution that all games are designed at. This coincides with the base resolution for the original iPhone or a 1st generation Android device.


Using high-resolution graphics designed at “4x” the base resolution, we’re able to derive graphics sets that work optimally on most devices using scales of 1x/1.5x/2x/4x.

so, my question is, in the first instance it states 480x320 is the base resolution, i.e. the smallest resolution supported, so I get that part, but in the secondary part I've quoted, it mentions using "4x" the resolution ( 1920 x 1280 ) so that it best fits all devices, am I correct in this, so I should ideally design my game at 1920x1280, and Stencyl will automatically 'resize' the games based on this ?  And do I need to have a flag set or filename addition for this to happen ?

I was initially confused, as it said "4x", and then we scale, making it sound like it scaled up again thereafter... ?

Hope someone can help clarify this for me.


Ask a Question / Re: Reliable 'Drag And Fling' Function ?
« on: January 07, 2013, 02:35:17 am »

The first one, the user drags it back, then let's it go and it catapults out in the correlating direction.

And thanks for that tip, I didn't even think about that ! :)

Ask a Question / Reliable 'Drag And Fling' Function ?
« on: January 07, 2013, 01:08:05 am »
Hi, has anybody created a reliable 'fling' function they would be willing to share ?  I've tried downloading the behaviour from StencylForge, but that doesn't work correctly or even head in the correct direction most of the time, I simply want to drag and fling an object ( ideally with a visual representation of the direction I want to go in, i.e. an arrow ).  I want to make a variant on a pool game, but I can't get this basic functionality up and running to start, so would appreciate any help from those that may have already covered this behaviour ?


Game Art / Re: Game Art Forge - Art Resources
« on: December 16, 2012, 02:11:48 pm »
Hi, everyone

The website will be closing down soon, and all my artwork has been uploaded to

where it will remain, and any future additions will appear here also.

The website didn't really work out for me, and despite lots of downloads, to date I've only managed to make 27 cents for all my effort via links.  So apologies for those that have linked the website, as I said, I will be closing it down soon, but you will be still be able to continue to get any future updates at the opengameart site.


iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: Bunny Cannon!!!
« on: December 15, 2012, 09:22:17 am »
Game looks brilliant, and I love the art style.

Good luck with it, would love it if you would be willing to share sales figures at a later date ?


Game Art / Re: Game Art Forge - Art Resources
« on: December 05, 2012, 04:42:05 am »
Apologies for that, not sure what I did wrong there ?  Best go and check the other places I posted that ! :)


Game Art / Re: Game Art Forge - Art Resources
« on: December 05, 2012, 04:20:02 am »

New Coloured Pencil Set Now Added.


Pages: 1 2