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Messages - mormord

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 7
I'm not sure I got the aim of the game. Clicking around aimlessly results in a lots of koopaballs and some of them will reach the multiplier of 250 (or possibly more). Whenever a fireball spawns it instantly hits a koopaball (usually with a multiplier) and disappears. The princess wanders around bored again, because there is no real chance of losing this way.
I stopped playing at score 821.

I would suggest to develop something that prevents the player from spamming balls and reaching insane multipliers (btw what is counted? I'm sure the princess didn't kick that shell 250 times).

Ask a Question / Re: How to spawn a random actor (object) every x seconds?
« on: February 14, 2014, 05:12:31 pm »
First thing, don't create games that are already there, this is my opinion.

Now to the theme:
You should check out Ceric's answers here, I'm sure you can use some of those things.,28569.msg164355.html#msg164355

Basically, yes it's possible.
A simple solution:
- create an Actor attribute in Kendra's behav and set it to Cassandra (scene manager, or in when created block).
- create an event handler in Cassandra's behav (when 'blabla' happens, or something similar)
- whenever Kendra's hp is increased by 11, use trigger 'blabla' in <created Actor attribute for Cassandra in Kendra's behav> for all behaviors.
- let the event handler do the moving. If you want to use the 11 or the 127 as a parameter, it's a little bit trickier, but still possible.

Oops. I hope you wanted Cassandra to go by 127 pixels, not Kendra :)

Ask a Question / Re: What is the best way to create Procedural Generation?
« on: February 10, 2014, 10:25:43 am »
No, but I only used it for small clouds. It was more like a cloud jumper (and yes, I never finished it :) ). From one point of view you need fewer larger platforms, so it should be even faster but I don't know how these things react.

Ask a Question / Re: Infinite Vertical Scene?
« on: February 08, 2014, 07:11:09 am »
Fake it :P Make the platforms (or whatever) go up!

Ask a Question / Re: Off Screen Bug?
« on: February 08, 2014, 07:09:46 am »
You are using negative X coordinates, which is to the left from the screen. I'm not sure if this was your intention.

Ask a Question / Re: What is the best way to create Procedural Generation?
« on: February 07, 2014, 06:20:18 pm »
There is really no 'best' way unless you go into details with your game, so I decided to write down a simple idea that works with stencyl blocks.

1.) Draw a number of platform actors (when dynamically generate the playfield, you can forget about tile optimalization anyway).
2.) Place some starting ground - this helps set the starting ground in some sane place as well as it's easier to place the player on it. Save the Y coordinate somewhere.
3.) Place the next platform with random Y coordinate out of screen to the right (or left, depends where you're running). The best is if you choose the new Y depending on the old one, so you can make sure the platform is reachable. Like newY = oldY + random(-50,50); Save the Y coordinate. Make the platform always active or it won't go anywhere from it's starting position :)
4.) Wait random time, then start from 3. (You can kill platforms that leaved the screen to the left)

Btw, the platform actors would go from right to left simulating you are going somewhere without the need of infinite scene width. You should modify the controls so it actually feels right running even if the character doesn't go anywhere just let the platform pass below him/her. All platforms should move the same speed (running speed). You should experiment the boundaries of random values to see what fits your game, you can also do many fancy stuff to this (like having two paralel roads instead of just one). So this is just an idea, it all depends on you.

I hope it helped a bit :)

Resolved Questions / Re: Flixel pause code
« on: January 30, 2014, 08:04:00 am »
A few years ago, Stencyl used the Flixel Pause Menu. I don't know when and why it was removed, but I'm sure there was a reason for it. By the way, there is a "can be paused?" radio-button in the actor->physics->advanced, but it doesn't work well with the Flixel Pause Menu.
Lately I started to emulate timers using invisible actors (no collision shapes, constant speed, etc) because they're paused with the game. All you have to know about them that Time = Travelled Distance / (10*Velocity).

Ask a Question / Re: Rotation of Actor
« on: January 30, 2014, 07:52:19 am »
Always block runs ~60 times every sec. Instead of Turn, use Turning Speed and set it to 0 when neither A nor D is pressed.

Ask a Question / Re: Star Counts per level.
« on: January 29, 2014, 09:35:39 am »
Save the individual star count for all levels in a game attribute list, that's the cleanest method. Then whenever the player replays a level, you refresh the list on the specific index. You can sum the list whenever you want to, or you can use the expression you already described.

Ask a Question / Re: Queue or other collections in stencyl
« on: January 27, 2014, 04:12:07 pm »
I did some tests to see how these things are implemented. I used a list with 100000 elements.

The results might interest you:
Removing first item and inserting to first place: totally the worst. No comparison available.
Removing last element and adding new to the end: painful, but works. Repeated 100000 times in the always block and update took ~400ms
Replacing first/last element: looks like the fastest method. Repeated 100000 times in the always block and update took ~50ms

So technically the List in Stencyl is not a linked list. It's more like a dynamic array so don't use the stack implementation I suggested. Yours should work better, but I think if you have a limit of maximum elements stored in the stack, the replacing method with an index attribute should work even faster.

Ask a Question / Re: drawing text while touching a sign
« on: January 27, 2014, 02:42:58 pm »
Some basic ideas:

Give the sign a sensor collision shape and a number attribute (for now, I call it T).
When the player collides the sign set T to a number (for example 3).
When updating, decrease T by 1 if T > 0
When drawing, draw the text if T > 0

This way the text will be shown when the actor collides the sign plus 3 frames. There is a DrawText metod you can use for this.

Ask a Question / Re: Font problem
« on: January 26, 2014, 10:50:49 am »
I tried what you said, but it didn't help. I also imported some default ttfs of windows, to see if it works. It worked. Then I downloaded another font which was looking just like the one I linked and I could import that one. For some reason Stencyl just hated that specific font.
Thanks for the ideas, problem solved (an error message would have been great though).

Ask a Question / Font problem
« on: January 26, 2014, 08:12:47 am »
I downloaded a free font (
It works perfectly with Inkscape and other tools, but when I try to import it to Stencyl it ignores it without any error message. I'm pointing to the *.ttf file in the Font Style -> Choose Custom.
Any idea, where I go wrong or how I could make Stencyl accept this font?

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: Triple Trouble
« on: January 26, 2014, 06:30:34 am »
Reminds me the old dos-game Vikings :P

One player-killer though: after the player passed the forest levels, the backgrounds really hurts the eyes, both the vibrating red-black line and the edgy colored lines later on the "One at a time" level. I stopped playing there, my eyes couldn't take any more damage.

For me it's somewhat unusual, that you only need to enter the portal with one of the characters (as I saw, on most forest levels, I could have joined up all characters near the portal).

Good game anyway.

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