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Messages - teknocrat

Pages: 1
I have a rising column of lava that the player needs to escape from.

How can i have the player instantly die when he collides with this actor.

Currently the character wont die immediately and can run on top of the lava before
eventually disappearing.

i have the lava set to inflict 1000 damage and the player has only 100 health. Im not sure if this is the best arrangement to have for instant death.

any help greatly appreciated

Ask a Question / Can you copy layers to other scenes
« on: September 29, 2011, 06:09:32 am »
I want to copy a layer across from one to scene to another,

is this possible?

Old Bugs (1.x/2.x) / Scene wont work or test
« on: September 29, 2011, 04:04:43 am »
One of the scenes in my game has stopped working, i have no idea why it is doing this. It was working fine one minute, now it will no longer play or test. When I got to test the game the Flash player loads up then displays an actionscript error.

I have removed all behaviours from the scene, all regions and all actors and i still get this error. This level took a long time to create so i need it to work. Any idea what this means?
When the error displays yuo can press continue or dismiss. Dismiss causes it to sit there doing nothing while the continue then displays a new error which i have below.

Error message:

[object AlchemyExit]
   at Function/<anonymous>()
   at Function/<anonymous>()
   at Box2DAS.Dynamics::b2Fixture()[/home/stencyl/]
   at Box2DAS.Dynamics::b2Body/CreateFixture()[/home/stencyl/]
   at stencyl.api.engine::GameState/loadTerrain()[/home/stencyl/]
   at stencyl.api.engine::GameState/loadScene()[/home/stencyl/]
   at stencyl.api.engine::GameState/begin()[/home/stencyl/]
   at Function/<anonymous>()[C:\Users\Bob\AppData\Local\Temp\stencyl8548314912144192152\sandbox\flash\scripts\]

After pressing Continue:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
   at stencyl.api.engine::GameState/innerUpdate()[/home/stencyl/]
   at stencyl.api.engine::GameState/postUpdate()[/home/stencyl/]
   at stencyl.api.engine::GameState/update()[/home/stencyl/]
   at org.flixel::FlxGame/update()[/home/stencyl/]

thanks guys il try that

This is extremely frustrating. Im trying to add some simple health meters and a HUD and the game slows to a crawl.

Will it only run slow when im testing it?

When the game is finished will it still be slow?

Ask a Question / How can i make a clickable actor that links to a website
« on: September 16, 2011, 07:58:03 am »
Iv made an button actor that I want to link to a site when clicked.

iv added the clicking behavior, then 'open url [ ] in Browser' - this i found in the Web section under Game.

When i click on the actor i get a flash warning saying
'Adobe Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation'

how can i make a simple web link out of an actor?

Ask a Question / Re: How to stop a moving actor
« on: September 15, 2011, 03:14:52 am »
the stopping behavior is identical except i have the values to zero

Ask a Question / Re: How to stop a moving actor
« on: September 14, 2011, 12:26:20 pm »

Ask a Question / How to stop a moving actor
« on: September 14, 2011, 11:59:46 am »

I have an actor that starts to move up when the player enters a region.

I now want the actor to stop when the player enters another region. This I did the exact same way to making it move except have it set the velocity to 0.

However when the player enters the region for it to stop it simply disappears.

Any idears?


Ask a Question / Move an actor when player enters a region
« on: September 14, 2011, 08:08:46 am »

Im having some trouble with an aspect of my game.

Basically I have a guy in a volcano. The level consists of a vertical column lined with platforms, with lava at the bottom. I want to have a region near the bottom that triggers the lava actor to start moving upwards when the player enters it.

Its a simple enough problem but Im having trouble figuring it out.

Any help would be greatly appreciate

Ask a Question / Can you add two of the same behaviours to a scene?
« on: September 13, 2011, 02:12:08 pm »
I found this a very strange limitation. I wanted to add another spawn actor in region behaviour to a scene and it kept bringing me back to the one I had already added.

Surely its possible to add two of the same behaviours to a scene?

Ask a Question / Stencylworks will not test game
« on: September 13, 2011, 01:42:47 pm »
I was working away with no problems and now stencylworks will not test any scenes or levels

its gets to about 40% of building the swf then it just stops.

it was working fine moments before, restarted stencylworks and laptop and no change

any idea why it is doing this??

Ask a Question / Problem with sprite animation
« on: September 12, 2011, 02:57:23 pm »
Im using the 'jumper' template from the platformer package.

When I move right, it keeps playing the falling left sprite at the same time as the moving left sprite.

This does not happen when moving left.

I have no coding knowledge and was wondering if anyone else has had this issue and knows a solution or work around.


Pages: 1