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Messages - Tobben2111

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 9
Fixed Bugs (3.x) / Re: Can't test game
« on: November 17, 2015, 08:04:20 am »
Please don't loose your motivation!

Thx for kind words :) It's just, every time I come back to Stencyl. I do something simple like copy an actor, or scene. Something very very basic. And then I get error messages. I have no idea what so ever, what the problem is. I have made some topics in the past. It's a bit frustrating. ;P

But everytime I look at my first(and only) released game, it's not that good or anything. It brings me back to stencyl : 3 Just had a lot of fun making it. Did learn a lot. Prob first time touching something graphical.

I will keep your words in mind :) And prob come back again in a few weeks when I have less to do :)

This error was fixed in the latest private build:,45145.0.html (customer-only link)

Thx for the fix, captain :) Keep up your good work :)

Fixed Bugs (3.x) / Re: Can't test game
« on: November 17, 2015, 03:58:31 am »
Sorry, no solution :O

I kinda lost a bit motivation again and haven't used stencyl in a while :/

Ask a Question / Re: Tileset 32x32
« on: August 29, 2015, 06:29:41 am »
I think that video helped me with my problem :) A bit short of time atm, but will play more with it later on. :) Thx for taking your time to make a video.

For other ppl with tileset problems, here is the video:

Ask a Question / Re: Tileset 32x32
« on: August 29, 2015, 04:07:34 am »
Sweet ^_^ looking forward to the vid :)

Ask a Question / Re: Tileset 32x32
« on: August 29, 2015, 12:16:44 am »
Still stuck, looks like more ppl find tileset confusing. Doesn't looks like it follows the same logic as actors.

I am trying to import stuff as x2 now. But getting similar problems as x4. Is it a bug or the fault is mine?

Scene size: 480x320
Tile size 32(width and height)
Tileset size(960x640 witch is x2 480x320)
Tile size 64x64(witch is x2 32x32)
Import image x2

What am I doing wrong? : 3

Ask a Question / Re: can tiles be 13x13?
« on: August 28, 2015, 11:37:01 pm »
Create Scene

- Tobben

Ask a Question / Re: Tileset 32x32
« on: August 26, 2015, 12:05:22 pm »
Bump :) Would be nice to know, so I can start drawing :)

Ask a Question / Re: Tileset 32x32
« on: August 24, 2015, 12:17:29 pm »
Can somebody try this image as tileset import x4, do you get same result as me?

Ask a Question / Re: Tileset 32x32
« on: August 23, 2015, 11:00:50 am »

480x320 screen size, scene properties: tile width and height 32

Tilset image size: 1920x1280, tiles 128x128
Imported scale 4, no smoothing, tile width and height 32
Witch is x4 game screen

I have also tried 480x320, import 4x(just to test xD, for some reason, result was the same)

Ask a Question / Re: Tileset 32x32
« on: August 23, 2015, 10:07:19 am »
Subbed to your channel :)

Orange is a actor(128x128) imported 4x
Those two other colors is tileset 128x128ea imported 4x.

So why are the size different?
If I import the orange(128x128) to a tilset where I only have one image it works. But when I add one more image, it won't.

Ask a Question / Re: Tileset 32x32
« on: August 23, 2015, 04:59:45 am »
I will watch the video :) Working on a PC/mobile game.

- Tobben

Ask a Question / Tileset 32x32
« on: August 23, 2015, 04:24:01 am »

I am trying to come back to stencyl after 1 and a half year. D:

I'am trying to make a tileset of 32x32 tiles.

480x320 screen size, scene properties: tile width and height 32

Tilset image size: 1920x1280, tiles 128x128
Imported scale 4, no smoothing, tile width and height 32

Scene viewer result:

In game result:

What I'am doing wrong? I make everything x4 the size I want.

Fixed Bugs (3.x) / Can't test game
« on: August 22, 2015, 08:59:12 am »
Unexpected problem on thread Thread-70: null
   at stencyl.core.engine.snippet.ISnippet.getNiceName(

I had one actor, one scene, made walking for the actor.
I made x2 duplications of the actor.
Then I started getting errors when testing the game. I deleted all duplications, still error
Deleted all actors and scene, still error
Saved as to a new name, still error
Export and import file, still error

Making a new, fresh file works + testing games

- Tobben

Resolved Questions / Re: Drag and drop(SOLVED)
« on: May 20, 2014, 08:30:29 am »
Tyvm again, Tuo :)

Code below works as it should for other ppl with the same problem! :) I had some old code blocks in scene behavior which messed up my actor behavior.

Resolved Questions / Re: Drag and drop
« on: May 19, 2014, 10:01:01 pm »
Drag and drop one actor at the time. One blue bomb, one green bomb. Almost works, But for some reason, if I press and hold down mouse, grab one blue bomb, keep on pressing and move the mouse over another blue bomb, I grab that up also :S Or if they overlap.

On the picture above, I am grabbing two bombs at the same time.

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