Can't compile no matter how much I try I will also include screen captures of the file paths. (Also it seems that Apple doesn't supply the iphoneos4.2 in the newest version of xCode.)
iOS Error:
Mac Error:
iOS Error:
Code: [Select]
Level: INFO
When: 2016-09-01 01:43:02:556
From: stencyl.sw.util.StreamGobbler
[haxelib] Error: xcodebuild: error: SDK "iphoneos4.2" cannot be located.
Mac Error:
Code: [Select]
Level: INFO
When: 2016-09-01 01:47:17:862
From: stencyl.sw.util.StreamGobbler
[haxelib] clang: warning: no such sysroot directory: '/Applications/'