Screen tearing/display bug


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  • Posts: 32
i've been getting a weird bug where the screen kind of tears/moves around when i move my mouse over buttons in stencyl. it makes using the program impossible.

if anyone knows a way to fix this, i'd love to know.


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  • Posts: 2545
What version of Java do you have installed?


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  • Posts: 32
no idea

i just updated and it says i have version 8 update 101 build 1.8.0_101-b13


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  • Posts: 32
bump. this problem is really, really annoying.


  • Posts: 1
This is also happening to me. I teach at a tech camp and it happens to only one out of my 8 computers


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  • Posts: 17524

We're closing off the bugs forum in favor of using the Issue Tracker. Since this is an ongoing discussion, we've moving it to the general questions forum.

As letmethink suggests, this kind of problem is usually tied to a bug in the specific version of Java you have or graphics drivers. Nevertheless, posting your logs would be helpful just in case there's an error in there.