Shared Resources / Re: 3.1 Top Down Racing Kit
« on: December 15, 2014, 02:20:51 pm »
Glad to see this has been revived! Just a quick suggestion - something cool that I always wanted in the engine was the ability to lock the camera location to the kart, but I'm not sure how possible this is with the latest version of Stencyl. It sort of worked for this, but I didn't find a way to increase the render size: (press z for rotation lock mode)
I also have a lot of cool music KungFuFurby worked on for Circyt, which I never actually got around to making. I'm never going to stop feeling remorse for letting him make so much music for me and never using it, so if you make any more example tracks just ask him and he'll probably give you the go-ahead to use it in the kit or something.
I also have a lot of cool music KungFuFurby worked on for Circyt, which I never actually got around to making. I'm never going to stop feeling remorse for letting him make so much music for me and never using it, so if you make any more example tracks just ask him and he'll probably give you the go-ahead to use it in the kit or something.